Am discutat cu 400 de profesioniști din domeniul HR și L&D din 4 țări și 6 orașe despre tendințele din domeniul învățării și formării
Pe parcursul lunilor martie și aprilie am vizitat 4 țări și 6 orașe din Europa Centrală și de Est. Alături de echipa LinkedIn CEE am organizat 3 evenimente și ne-am întâlnit cu numeroși parteneri existenți și reprezentanți ai companiilor interesate de învățare și formarea angajaților (L&D, sau learning & development). Mi-am bazat prezentările pe raportul recent publicat de LinkedIn întitulat Workplace Learning Report 2024, pe care îl puteți accesa aici; dar și pe datele de care dispune LinkedIn bazate pe activitatea a peste 1 miliard de utilizatori și 67 de milioane de companii.
Am observat un interes sporit din partea celor pe care i-am întâlnit, contrar stereotipurilor existente despre regiune. Așteptările sunt că L&D este percepută drept o chestiune opțională, sau un beneficiu acordat de angajatori de rând cu mese de fussball în birouri, sau abonamente la săli sportive. Dar realitatea este alta. Sau cel puțin tendința este alta, ceea ce bineînțeles bucură.
L&D devine un aspect esențial în lumea de azi, când abilitățile necesare activităților majorității angajaților se schimbă de la o lună la alta. Vedeți raportul pentru mai multe detalii.
Câteva dintre relatările de la cele 3 evenimente mai jos.
GDANSK, POLONIA. Without even knowing it, I was a LPP S.A. fan way before I learned that Reserved, Mohito, Sinsay, Cropp, and House are LPP brands. I am still wearing my first ever denim shirt, which I got in 2017 from our neighbourhood mall in Bucharest (great durability, I know). The shirt I wore at the event was also from an LPP brand – House, which wasn’t hard to choose.
So I started preparing for my first ever Gdansk experience with this happy customer mindset, while wearing my LinkedIn learning & development advisor hat. And I must say my expectations were exceeded. I discovered a great city, wonderful people, and next level professionalism. Kudos to the LPP Team foe hosting us, as well as to my never-stopping colleagues for co-organizing (and for switching to English every time just for me). Special thanks to Aga Mróz for her Hollywood-like photos.
We discussed all-things branding, starting from LPP’s own best practices generously shared. Then we covered hiring and learning trends as we see them here at LinkedIn. After all, what’s the use of a 1 Billion+ members platform and our unique LinkedIn’s Economic Graph if not for sharing our insights with everyone?
As for my contribution to the event, I’m honoured to have had the opportunity to share our Workplace Learning Report 2024’s findings with a select network of HR and Comms professionals who joined us from all corners of Poland.
We talked about how companies with strong learning cultures have seen a 7% increase in promotion rates to management, 23% increase in internal mobility rates, and a 57% increase in retention rates. Also, we shared examples of metrics for measuring learning investments’ success, ROI, as well as how to connect corporate L&D strategies with companies’ larger business goals.
BELGRAD, SERBIA. I had the pleasure of meeting HR World Adria ‘s HR + L&D community in Serbia at this year’s L&D Forum powered by LinkedIn. My colleagues and I delivered the findings of the freshly launched Workplace Learning Report, alongside some amazing speakers focusing mainly on leadership. LinkedIn surveyed Learning and Development professionals worldwide to better understand the state of the learning industry.
During the event, we shared some key findings, including the fact that career development is now the fourth priority on L&D’s list, up from ninth place last year. We also discussed how empowering employees with career development tools increases learner engagement and expands workforce skills. Additionally, we talked about how AI will become more common as a coach, advisor, or problem-solving co-pilot in the years ahead. AI-powered coaching could be the answer to providing personalized career development at scale.
We also discussed the benefits of companies that encourage employees to explore and stretch into different internal roles. Such companies reap higher retention rates, a more agile pool of workforce skills, and employees with deeper cross-functional knowledge. We found that aligning learning programs to business strategies is L&D’s No. 1 focus area for the second year in a row. L&D professionals are cultivating their data literacy and adding a range of additional human skills to meet the demands and opportunities of the AI era.
I want to thank HR World Adria’s team for the opportunity to be a part of their community, even if for a few hours only. I am looking forward to our next encounters.
BUDAPESTA, UNGARIA. I’ve met our Hungarian customers at a LinkedIn Business Breakfast in Budapest. It was a great success with 30% more participants than expected! This clearly demonstrates the eagerness of HR and L&D professionals for talent trends and cutting-edge technology to support their initiatives.
We discovered a strong interest in the impact learning & development has on big topics like employee engagement, retention, career development, and ultimately on attaining business goals. If you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to get in touch.
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