Archive for: USA

Steps Toward Our Virtual Existence Maturity

Magnified illustration with the word Social Media on white background.

As we find ourselves solidly in the year 2021[1], we do so with somewhat renewed hope for a new stage in our social media existence, […]


Understanding neo-imperialism in the region of the Baltics and the Black Sea: some suggestions from Thucydides

Understanding neo-imperialism in the region of the Baltics and the Black Sea: some suggestions from Thucydides

Imperialism is an out fashioned and even utterly resented term in Romania, as it is perceived to be in close connection to the nowadays hated, […]


Donald Trump cataloghează „nebunească” politica imigraționistă a lui Merkel

Potențialul canditat la președinția SUA, Donald Trump, a folosit o retorică dură, duminică, când a descris politica imigraționistă a cancelarului german Angela Merkel: „Întotdeauna am […]