EN/FR/DE Europunkt

OP-ED/ Seeking peace needs an enterprising foreign policy

OP-ED/ Seeking peace needs an enterprising foreign policy

This week Istanbul will host two separate but related international conferences on mediation. One will be devoted to the state of play in the conflict […]


Call for Articles and Reviews/ Studia Politica

Call for Articles and Reviews/ Studia Politica

Call for Articles and Reviews Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review publishes high quality, peer reviewed articles in all major areas of political science including political […]


Interview with Arend Lijphart, professor at the University of California: “The European Union may be called an extreme example of consociationalism”

Interview with Arend Lijphart, professor at the University of California: “The European Union may be called an extreme example of consociationalism”

In the Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries (Yale University Press, 1999), Arend Lijphart compared the model of consensual (consociational) democracy […]


Study/ Usage of digital tools by youth NGOs promoting peace and Human Rights

Study/ Usage of digital tools by youth NGOs promoting peace and Human Rights

Within their KA2 Strategic Partnership, TURN ONline, a project whose aim is to sustain digitalization within youth organizations promoting peace and human rights, GEYC has […]


Interview/ Boris Iarochevitch, Head of Division EaP, regional cooperation and OSCE, EEAS: “The geopolitical landscape of the Black Sea area has a unique composition, with complex webs of diverse and often conflicting interests and identities”

Interview/ Boris Iarochevitch, Head of Division EaP, regional cooperation and OSCE, EEAS: “The geopolitical landscape of the Black Sea area has a unique composition, with complex webs of diverse and often conflicting interests and identities”

In an unstable geopolitical context, with increasingly strong and visible tensions in the international arena, the European Union’s reform process can’t neglect how Member States […]


Interview / H.E. Päivi Pohjanheimo, Ambassador of Finland to Romania: “Finland wishes to preside a Union that is unified, operational and result-oriented”

Interview / H.E. Päivi Pohjanheimo, Ambassador of Finland to Romania: “Finland wishes to preside a Union that is unified, operational and result-oriented”

In the second half of 2019, Finland will be responsible for the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union (composed of representatives of […]


Interview/ Oana Bogdan, diplomat in architecture: „It is important to develop the artistic culture in Romania, so that Brâncuşi will not remain an isolated case”

Interview/ Oana Bogdan, diplomat in architecture: „It is important to develop the artistic culture in Romania, so that Brâncuşi will not remain an isolated case”

In the EUROSCOLA project, members of the Infinity of the Bird in Space team at Motru Technical College have proposed to promote the work of […]


Le Macronisme/ Introduction

Le Macronisme/ Introduction

Le macronisme, en tant que phénomène idéologique, est encore très difficile à appréhender. L’installation au pouvoir du nouveau président et de sa nouvelle équipe n’a […]


Interview/ Marianne Thyssen, EU Commissioner: “I want to facilitate posting of workers within a climate of fair competition and respect for workers’ rights”

Marianne Thyssen

In order to eliminate abusive practices that circumvent European and national rules and which lead to violations of workers’ rights, the European Commission proposed in […]


Interview/ Olivier Henry, directeur du site carien de Labraunda: „C’est un site essentiel pour le sud-est égéen et très attractif pour les touristes venus en Turquie”

Interview/ Olivier Henry, directeur du site carien de Labraunda: „C’est un site essentiel pour le sud-est égéen et très attractif pour les touristes venus en Turquie”

La ville de Bodrum, avec ses paysages mirifiques et ses plages ravissantes, est une des plus populaires destinations en Turquie pour les vacances des Roumains. […]